Thursday, April 24, 2008

Domestic Goddess, I am NOT

I guess at the ripe old age of 36 I just need to come to the realization that NO, I'm not a good housekeeper. Sure, I might have high hopes of becoming one someday....but "someday" has just never come.

I can work from sun up til sun down both Saturday and Sunday and my house can be spic and spanish :) and I have a mess the size of Texas not only in one room but ALL rooms just one short hour later.

And it's not just the three little tots in my's the big tot too. He is just as bad as the rest of 'em. WHAT is a girl to do?

And instead of just accepting it I go LOCO CRAZY GIRL on all of them. Last night Fisher's eyes were the size o' mars watching me spin out of control. I think he finally got it that I needed help. Maybe it was the little one-liner I added that if the house didn't somehow get clean I might not ever come home again. Hm. Am I a freak, er what?

I can't do it on my own Y'all. I simply cannot keep up with the energy and ability to "make mess" of four male types in my house!!! Not to mention the doggies that decide when the boys leave their napkins on the floor they should tear everything into microtiny pieces from Dallas to San Antonio. My word.

Should I obtain the aide of a professional again? Or maybe even some anti-anxiety drugs which will just continue to add to the goal of 300 lbs I am fastly approaching? OR....maybe I should just live like that and not give a rat's rump any more? Though...I've tried that last one and just when I think I'm okay with living in a heap of trash some maternal mommy instinct thing kicks in and I think to myself...."Oh Lord, please don't let anyone see this, I believe they might take my children away if they saw what a pighole we live in."

So, just in case you're one of those mommies that I envy having a clean house and you are really not that, you are really a closet pigster like the Russell family...please indulge me so that I may feel normal and not all cuckoobird. Because Y'all....I think I might just be cracking up a bit Y'all. Well, not that I haven't been cracking for a while, I think I just might have finally broke all the way in two. LAWD.


jenn said...

Girl, you are NOT alone. This is a losing battle at my house too. I'm also a closet pigster.

queenoftheboys said...

you are sooo not alone....we all have our "days" when it gets to us!! Depending on the day my house could be clean or it could be a cluttered-out-of-control-MESS!! love are great!

mbc said...

You are not alone, my friend. My house isn't always clean.....I have piles of good intention all over the place!