Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I know that I'm the only 36-year-old mom of three children that still is obsessed with that zip code, you don't have to tell me. I still can't seem to get enough of Kelly, Brenda, Nat...and soon to be Dylan. The show's not even that great, but it's getting better and I'm already hooked. LIKE I NEEDED ANOTHER ADDICTION, right?

But just check it out...they aren't THAT much different, right?

Come on...join me...you know you want to. Tuesday nights on the CW. Don't be scared!


mbc said...

Is it even good? I heard it was un-worthy.

Boyz3Mommy said...

The first one was not good, the second two have been pretty good. Hoping it's going to get better. I could do without, but you know me. :)

rachael... said...

I never watched the first one, so I don't think I'll start now...