Thursday, September 11, 2008

Don't have a LOT of "E"s this week...

"E"s are extremely hard!! Plus, I've been stuck with my head in the Twilight books. I'm on the very tail-end of the fourth book. GAWD I'm hooked. are the only "E"s I could come up with in my non-creative state:

Eli...of course!!

Eager. That Austin...he's a jumper!

Embrace. Austin and Ady lovin' on each other.

El Jefe. The boss.

EEEEEEK!! That's not one of mine...'tho I'm SURE he learned it from them.

Easygoing. Austin and Ady take a walk. in cute.


Anonymous said...

Yay, E's! That was some fast service, I just asked for these. Thanks, ma'am! These are great!

rachael... said...

oh that gage peeing off the side of the patio???