Thursday, October 16, 2008

Surely Not

Is this the face of someone that would pick up a rock on the playground at school?

And is this the face of someone that would pick up said rock and CHUNK it at the door of the school and shatter the entire door?

No, surely not.


Sarah said...

sooo.... just how much are glass, commercial grade doors going for these days...?.. with my two boys, this actually might be good information to have in my pocket for the future..

Boyz3Mommy said...
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Boyz3Mommy said...

Well, the verdict is still out on the pricing of the door as I am sure I will be presented with it JUST in time to have a lovely weekend. And GIRL, I lasted NINE years without having to pay for any publice destruction of property, so I haven't a CLUE yet what the wonderful damage to my already non-existenat Christmas Budget will be. I'll letcha know as soon as I find out though! GAWSH.

Susie said...

Beware! Their cuteness is their shield, their protection, their ultimate defensive weapon! If your boys get any cuter, they are going to rule the world and we will all be powerless to stop them - SURELY SO!!

That would actually be cool for you because you'd be the mom of the rulers of the world. There would have to be some sweet-ass perks with that position. And they would RULE the glass door companies too and you would get all the replacements you want for free.

And as your friend, I would expect special treatment of course. Like a lifetime's supply of free ice cream delivered to me wherever I happen to be at the moment I want it.

Mmmm... ice cream. Wait what were we talking about again?

mbc said...

Oooooooh Weeeeee Sully. T-R-O-U-B-L-E!! Mommy will put you to work, don't worry. Santa....may have to buy your school a new door for Christmas!

Lavender Chick said...

Uh oh - Sounds like a story here.... Was Santa watching?

rachael... said...

And yet, he did. Sorry, Mom.

Janelle said...

NOOOOOOO! Oh, girl. That is one phone call I never want to get! I am sure you thought the same thing!!

He is still too cute though!

Lavender Chick said...

I left you a couple of awards over on my blog.... Stop by and pick them up!