Monday, July 14, 2008

Help Me, Wouldja????

Okay, I'm looking for a new color for my kitchen. I want to paint it kind of a slate-y blue-ish-y color. Mac says, "Ya mean country blue." I swanny...if he says it one more dang time, I'm gonna pop him upside the country head. NOT country blue. This color...

Is that color okay? And if you think so, does it look okay next to this tan color that I painted the wall next to the kitchen. Honesty is a good thing here folks. Eli thinks we should leave it like this, because it looks "cool like dalmations." Hm.

Anyway, just thought I'd get some help from the dubya dubya. Thanks to ya Internetsters.


mbc said...

I do like it, it's not country blue (I wouldn't let you do it) and it doesn't remind me of dalmations.

Does that help? Go for it!!

Stephanie Eleuterius said...

I do like that...i think it looks great by the tan. My entire living area is Nantucket Fog - here's a link:

The swatches look so green to me, it was my least favorite swatch - but on an entire wall, it's a great soft blue.

Good luck - can't wait to see the final result!

rachael... said...

I love that color. It's similar to what we did in our bedroom and I've been very happy with it.

Janelle said...

I feel safe here to say that I am not much for blue. I think I would be inclined for red or mustard. I hope that doesn't offend... :)

jenn said...

I wasn't sure at first, but I've been lookin' at the pictures and I think it will look great. I second mbc....Go for it!