Sunday, February 10, 2008

No More Sippy Cups, No more Baby Stuff

I guess you must say goodbye to one era to start a fresh new one? Not only are we removing eight years of sippy cups from our cabinets this weekend...

...but we have taken down the baby border in Sully's old room to make way for a non-toddlerish type room for the eight-year-old who thinks he's a pre-teen already.

Can't say that I'm ready for any of this. I guess it doesn't matter if I am, because no matter if you're ready or not - time just keeps on ah-tickin', doesn't it?

I remember the first baby shower when I got my first sippy cup for Fisher. I remember thinking..."now WHY did they give me that? it will be FOREVER before he can use it!!" Boy, I thought I knew it all. I always knew how to do it better, more efficient, the "right" way....that is until I had kiddos of my own.

Now...well, they're growing up before my very eyes and I can't say that I know any better now than I did back then, but I sure know I will never ever dare to think I can do it better than anyone else!

No more sippy cups. Can you imagine?


mbc said...

Oh, it's sad. I'm having issues not buying whole milk anymore. I'm glad it's not just me. Sippy cups will have their time in my house for sure....guess I'll have issues getting rid of those too.

p.s. He is all grown up sitting there in his underwear, isn't he? Just like a dude.