Friday, February 8, 2008

This Will be Quick....

So Fish has a little friend over. He's just 2 years older than Fish. Apparently, he's already starting to have some smelly little boy problems? I mean not that he's smelly...but well, let me just show you how the conversation went:

Eli: Hey Jacob, why do you have two shirts on?
Jacob (while playing Guitar Hero): I don't know, ask me in a minute, I'm playing
Eli (not giving up): Is it because you don't want your armpits to smell?
Jacob: No dude, that's what deoderant is for.
Jacob: ....Fisher, you have deoderant, right?
Fisher: No
Eli: But we've got yogurt.

Now if THAT aint enough to pick my spirits up, well I just don't know what is. I still can't quit laughing.

Happy Friday Night Y'all....I'm headed to play some more Guitar Hero with the kiddos!!!!


Bobealia... said...

Hi there,
Just when I am thinking about calling it quits, here you come out of nowhere and leave me a post about how awesome I am! Ack!
Thanks for your support!
I haven't played Guitar Hero yet, but Wii is the BEST ever. I can't have one because I would play all the time!!!

Boyz3Mommy said...

NO NO...don't give can't give up!!!

Lavender Chick said...

That Eli! He knows what he's talking about... Deoderant, yogurt. Uhhh, I get it. I think.

Love the stories! I'll laugh about this one for a while.