How do you KNOW when you have a problem?
Okay. Since the second week in January I've seen TEN movies. Yes, I said ten(three of them were this weekend). That is one month. Is that too many?
I guess I have to admit that I am somewhat of addict, but it's okay right? Y'all...tell me it's okay.
This is what I have seen:
Juno with Joan
The Orphanage with Mac
Cloverfield with Susie
Golden Compass with Kelly
27 Dresses with Missy and Rach
Sweeny Todd with Kelly
In Bruges with Sonia
No Country for Old Men with Mac
Juno again with Sonia
Jumper with Mac
Do you think it's because everyone knows that I am a movieslut and I will not turn down a movie if I can help it? It's a problem, isn't it?
~~ It's Good Friday and I'm Back ~~
6 years ago
So What I want to know is which one was your favorite? Of all those that you listed, Juno is the only one I've seen - and of course you know what I thought of that movie. It is still, hands down, the best movie I've seen in a long time!
Do I need to go see any of the others or wait and rent?
Deb ~ my favorite would have to be Juno. I've seen it twice and would go to the theatre to see it again if someone wanted to go. Surprisingly, I think In Bruges pulls a very close second. I didn't much care for Sweeny Todd and I simply adore Johnny Depp and like almost ALL movies - so I guess that says something?? No Country for Old Men was good but MAN...and you'll see what I'm talking about. I loved Cloverfield, but I think you must be in the mood for that kinda flick. I guess I would suggest In Bruges...I loved it. I just did. 27dresses was as "cute" as it looked and definitely a chickie flickie. A renter fo sho. The Orphanage was another favorite and I just loved the story of's got spanish subtitles, so be prepared...but I would still suggest it. Jumper was good and fun and the kid is simply hot. A hot kid. GAWD...I'm in trouble when the boys get older and bring their friends over, aren't I? :)
So...hope that helps.
Um yeah, make that 10 movies. Ha! I think it's great. I haven't seen 10 movies in the last YEAR. At the theater too. Maybe 2 for me. Good for you!
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